Sunday, June 22, 2008

Psalm 68:6

"God places the lonely in families; he sets the prisoners free and gives them joy."
How long? She asked with tears in her eyes. With a sigh in her soul, whispering really softly with sadness one more morning "have You forgotten me?" "I'm tired of being alone"...and yet surrounded by many. How can that be? How ironic.
She had so many things in her mind that day, so many unfinished projects, a child to take care of right there and no idea where to begin.
"It will probably be better if I start by praying, by doing my devo", "ah!, don't feel like it either. Sleeping sounds good, though. I am just tired, so tired, God."
I open my Bible, searching through the pages of the new Bible I picked since I didn't want to go look for the other one, for where I was in my daily readings. Oh yes, I think I was in Psalm 67. Well, read it, pray it and let's get going.
Wait a minute. My eyes landed on Psalm 68:6.
Soft and sweet medicine filled up my empty and saddened heart that morning.
He has set the lonely in families. He has set me in a beautiful family, two beauties, a princess and a warrior plus my beloved. They long to be with me and I so long to be with them too.
Yes, I was feeling lonely that day and often too. He knows it and has given me a family.
He sat me free from prison and gave me a new song.
A new song? I have heard that before.
What is the song, Lord? What is that new song?
Help me to hear it.

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