Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Freedom of Surrender

I am in the middle of making very important decisions. I go to sleep thinking about it, go throughout the day thinking about it, wake up thinking about it. All the time I am thinking about it.

The more I think, the more I see things I do not like.I have to be a masoquist to take this path, is what my mind says. Then, I realize how my character needs to change so much. I am aware of all my shortcomings and I feel so unfit, so lowly.

As I was driving this morning I kept thinking about it and my heart kept getting heavier and heavier.

Finally, one thought brought it all to peace. "If you would just surrender everything to God, you would be free."

Yes, it may sound like a paradox. But, giving Him your fears, dislikes, character, goals, dreams...EVERYTHING, will give you freedom, will give you peace.

It's laying down everything at His feet. I am not carrying those things anymore. I am free, I am weightless now.

There is freedom in surrender.

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